F*** it

Where "F*** IT" Came From and Why the Five 'F's?

As an employee rights attorney and mindfulness practitioner, I've spent years helping people navigate the stress and chaos of the workplace. After a while, I started noticing a pattern: the most effective solutions for mental wellness all started with the letter 'F.' And I thought, wouldn’t it be funny if I just told people the best solution is to “F*** IT”? Because sometimes, when work stress peaks, that’s what we all want to scream, right?

That’s where the idea came from—flipping “F*** IT” into something positive and empowering. When you feel like everything’s falling apart, these five F’s are the cheat code to fix your mindset and refocus your energy. And though this is a joke, study after study show these five things are most likely to reduce workplaces stress.

Here are your five best solutions:

1. Fitness

When in doubt, sweat it out. Physical activity isn’t just about looking good; it’s about feeling sane. Get your body moving, and your mind will follow.

Mindful 'F It' Moves:

  • Mindful Walking: Take a quick stroll when you're ready to flip a desk. Focus on your breathing, and just put one foot in front of the other. It's not rocket science—just walk away from the madness for a few.

  • Desk Stretches: Feeling tight? Stretch it out. Yes, right there at your desk. No one’s watching, and even if they are, they’re probably just jealous.

  • Yoga Sesh: Pop into a yoga class or follow a video. Yoga isn't just for people who post about it on Instagram—it's about giving your body some love.

2. Focus

Look, life is distracting. But if you don’t learn how to focus, your to-do list will eat you alive. So, focus—or “F*** IT,” as I like to say—one thing at a time.

Mindful 'F It' Practices:

  • Meditation: Close your eyes and just breathe. In. Out. Now imagine you’re somewhere far, far away from work. That's meditation in a nutshell.

  • Deep Breathing: Feel like you're going to lose it? Just take a deep breath. Exhale all the BS and move on.

  • Single-Tasking: Forget multitasking. Just focus on one thing and crush it. Then move on. Simple.

3. Friends

We’re social creatures. Even if your coworkers drive you nuts, having people to lean on at work can make a world of difference. So, build some real connections—and if you can’t, well, F*** IT.

Mindful 'F It' Connections:

  • Active Listening: Actually pay attention when someone’s talking. Not because it’s nice, but because it makes everything easier in the long run.

  • Mindful Networking: Hate networking? Same. But it's worth it. Focus on being genuine and let the magic happen.

  • Expressing Gratitude: A simple “thank you” goes a long way. And it might even make people less annoying.

4. Forgiveness

Holding a grudge takes energy—energy you could use for literally anything else. So, F*** IT, and let it go.

Mindful 'F It' Forgiveness:

  • Self-Compassion: Stop beating yourself up. Seriously. Repeat after me: “I’m doing the best I can, and that’s enough.”

  • Compassionate Communication: When dealing with jerks, try to see things from their perspective. Maybe they’re just having a bad day—or maybe they're always like this. Either way, communicate with kindness (or at least pretend).

  • Forgiveness Journaling: Write down what’s bugging you, reflect, then say, “F*** IT.” Let the grudge go. It’s not helping you.

5. Faith

Whether it’s in yourself, the universe, or just the idea that this too shall pass, having faith is what keeps you going when everything else is falling apart. And sometimes, you just have to trust the process, even when it sucks.

Mindful 'F It' Faith:

  • Affirmations: Start your day by reminding yourself that you’re a badass. Seriously, try it. “I’ve got this. I can handle whatever comes my way.”

  • Mindful Reflection: Take a moment to think about what you care about. What’s worth fighting for? What’s worth saying “F*** IT” to?

  • Gratitude Practice: End your day by listing three things you’re grateful for. And if you can’t think of anything, just be grateful the day is over.

Next time you're about to scream “F*** IT,” remember these five F's. They'll get you through the tough times—and if nothing else, they’ll remind you that there’s always a better way to handle workplace stress than flipping your desk over (though, sometimes that’s tempting too).